Ummm...yea so it's Wednesday and I literally have nothing done for this week, It hasn't come to me yet and I haven't looked for it. I have so much to do this week I need to make time or this week is going to be empty!
I think I'm going to take a different approach and just start drawing in my sketch book and see what comes to me and build around that. It's weeks like this that make me wish I just chose something simple so I could already be done. Oh Well...
Thursday, August 2nd, 2012
I guess it worked after all, so yesterday I started randomly drawing with no focus and I decided it would be cool to draw my vintage original GameBoy that was given to me recently and wah-laa 75% of the way through I was like, "This is it!!!"
I immediately pushed the art pad out the way and went into producer mode while all the ideas were rushing, trying to focus when you have 1,000 ideas is impossible so I stopped and sat for ten minutes and thought it would be a cool to sample sounds directly from my GameBoy and use them in the beat. After two hours of trial and error, as to how I wanted the use the sounds I came up with a melody that works from the sampled sounds of the "Tetris" intro theme song, I added a bass line then a kick and I was on my way. An hour later I scrapped the whole track I was working on, it was whack! to say the least, BUT as any producer knows some of you best material comes from those 3:00 AM sessions. I got an idea and ran with it at about 3:30 AM and I'd say it's a banger but I'll let the listeners be the judge, I have more to add to it but so far this one is dope!
This whole concept for this week is fun because I'm such an old school Nintendo fan, I collect old systems, games, and interesting stuff I find so this new addition of an original GameBoy is perfect for me. I probably look when people see me playing "Tetris" on this over sized old fossil BUT it's a classic.
GameBoy illustration I created with pencil and paper
My illustrated rendition of the "Game Over" screen